how can we store Function in pointer
So far u have seen that a pointer stores address of
variable, array, structure n many else. But there is one another property of a
pointer to store or to refer a complete function, i.e., a pointer is referring
a function and then this pointer can be used simply as we use our function.
An example for this is as:
using namespace std;
int fun()
cout<<"Enigma of C++";
int (*p)() =fun; //Here the pointer p can now be used in
place of function fun
(*p)(); //This is the way how this
pointer can be used
Another example by using a parameterized function (function
with arguments) can be:
using namespace std;
int fun(int a,int b)
return a;
return b;
int(*p)(int,int) =fun; //see how the pointer is declared
int d= (*p)(4,3); //value returned by the
function is stored in d;
Points to remember:
keep in mind that at the time of declaration of the pointer its type should
same as the return type of the function. This means that if the return type of
the function is int then the pointer is declared as :
int (*p)()
If function has a void data type
then pointer will be declared as:
void (*p)()
Before the declaration of pointer the function
must be declared once in the scope of pointer
Consider this example:
using namespace std;
int fun()
cout<<"Enigma of C++";
The above code will generate an error
of function not defined.
To correct the program include
the declaration of function as int fun (); before the declaration of the pointer.
very nice, thank you